Obtaining a Massage Therapy License Online: Your Path to Professional Certification

As the demand for holistic wellness continues to grow, so does the interest in massage therapy as a career. With the convenience of online learning, many aspiring massage therapists wonder if they can obtain their massage therapy license online. The answer is both yes and no. While certain aspects of massage therapy education can be completed online, hands-on training is a crucial part of the curriculum that must be completed in person. However, the flexibility of online theory courses can make the path to professional certification more accessible for many.

Online Theory Courses

Many massage therapy programs offer online courses for the theoretical part of the curriculum. These courses may cover topics such as anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, pathology, and business practices. Online learning allows students to study at their own pace and on their own schedule, making it a convenient option for those who are balancing other commitments.

Hands-On Training

While online courses can provide a solid foundation of knowledge, massage therapy is a hands-on profession that requires practical training. This training typically involves supervised practice of massage techniques, clinical practice, and sometimes even internships. It’s important to note that this part of the education cannot be completed online and must be done in person.

State Requirements

Each state has its own requirements for massage therapy licensure. These requirements often include a certain number of hours of education (both theoretical and practical), passing a licensing exam, and sometimes additional criteria. It’s crucial for aspiring massage therapists to research the requirements in their state to ensure they are choosing a program that will meet these requirements.

Online Licensing Exams

After completing the required education, aspiring massage therapists must pass a licensing exam. Some states use the Massage and Bodywork Licensing Examination (MBLEx), while others have their own exams. Some of these exams may be taken online, but this varies by state.

Continuing Education

Once licensed, massage therapists often need to complete continuing education to maintain their licensure. Many of these courses can be completed online, making it easier for professionals to keep up with their education while working.


While the path to becoming a licensed massage therapist involves both online and in-person education, the flexibility of online learning can make this career more accessible. By understanding the requirements and options, aspiring massage therapists can choose the educational path that best fits their needs and goals.